Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Slow panic

I have been married for 3 years... After the first year itself ppl started asking
what about a baby. I was seriously thinking, is it just to bring a new child to the earth when the existing population itself is suffering from inadequecy in resources,
population density and most importantly global warming..

I have read number of articles and watched few documentaries.. one of them was really scary.. 'Earth - an inconvinient truth' by Al gore.. former vice president of US who lost to bush narrowly. Though the
movie and his views are critisized.. I do beleive his movie definetly makes the alert and the seriousness to be shown to this..

Finally I decided to have the baby for various reasons... Now I have a cute baby boy.. I know what kind of world is around him.. the water he drinks is purified by
a reverse osmosis purifier, the water he takes bath is filter and treated.., the food
is made with all clean vessels and water..but the air he inhales oops heavily polluted.. he is not able to stay without air conditionars in the afteernoons
I dont know how his future would be.. will he be strong to survive the conditions
god only knows..

Global warming always disturbs me because people are never going to get serious about it.. know why .. its a slow panic.. it is not going to kill you right away..
rather its a slow panic.. al gore depicts this nicely in his movie..